Churchill Archives Centre

Churchill Archives Centre
Country England
Type Archive and research library
Scope Papers of Winston Churchill and other politicians
Established 1973
Location Churchill College, Cambridge

The Churchill Archives Centre (CAC) is one of the largest repositories in the United Kingdom for the preservation and study of modern personal papers. It is best known for housing the Churchill Papers, the massive archive of Sir Winston Churchill, as well as the private papers of Baroness Thatcher. Yet it also holds a whole range of political, diplomatic, military and scientific collections including great personalities of the modern era such as : Ernest Bevin, Enoch Powell, Lord Kinnock, Sir John "Jock" Colville, Lord Hankey, Admiral Lord Fisher, Field Marshal Lord Slim, Sir John Cockcroft, Sir James Chadwick, Professor Lise Meitner, Dr Rosalind Franklin and Sir Frank Whittle.

Located in the grounds of Churchill College, Cambridge, England, itself the National and Commonwealth Memorial to Sir Winston, the Centre has been awarded ‘Designated’ status by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. It is open to the public and welcomes enquiries about its collections. The mission of the Centre is twofold: to preserve the collections in its care so that they can continue to inform the debates of future generations, and to strive to make those collections as accessible as possible.




Although it is the papers of Sir Winston Churchill that give the Churchill Archives Centre its name, this institution houses more than simply Churchill paraphernalia; nor is it limited simply to the papers of politicians and statesmen like Churchill. Instead, the nearly 600 collections at the Archives Centre are diverse, containing the records of lives lived as soldiers, sailors and airmen, journalists, reformers and activists, public servants, diplomats, physicists, chemists and biologists, not to mention as the wives, mothers, fathers, siblings, and children of these figures. Between them, the collections span the world, offering a multiplicity of perspectives of twentieth-century history.


The range in the nature of the collections means that a similarly wide amount of subjects can be explored through them. For instance, most aspects of the Second World War can be traced in the archives, while records relating to both the birth (with Churchill’s so-called Iron Curtain Speech) and death of the Cold War are found in CAC archival boxes.

In addition to serving as a valuable resource for military, political, and diplomatic history as well as the study of international relations, the collections at the Churchill Archives Centre are as relevant for research into aspects of social and cultural history, colonialism, as well as labour, science, and women’s history. This is particularly true of these themes as they pertain to the British context, with countless files of letters from constituents, correspondents, fans and opponents to political, military and scientific personalities, not to mention their own letters penned to family and friends, as well as personal diaries and scrapbooks. Many such series involve diplomats, secretaries, journalists, and society wives travelled the world photographing and noting down their experiences.

Types of documents

The collections at the Churchill Archives Centre include speeches, memoranda, reports, minutes, letters, postcards, diaries, appointment books, telegrams and memoirs, diagrams, maps, sketches and doodles, audio and video recordings, and photographs. The Archives Centre attempts to preserve these whilst rendering them accessible to the public. Examples of the figures, events, themes or broader topics in CAC's holdings:


Politicians Scientists Diplomats & Civil Servants Military/Intelligence Various
Winston Churchill Frank Whittle Nicholas O'Conor Alexander Denniston Clementine Churchill
Margaret Thatcher Lise Meitner Percy James Grigg Jackie Fisher William Deakin
Enoch Powell John Cockcroft Alexander Cadogan William Slim William Thomas Stead
Florence Horsbrugh James Chadwick Jock Colville William Reginald Hall
Maurice Hankey Rosalind Franklin
Ernest Bevin
Neil Kinnock

Events and broader topics

Political Scientific Military Various
Appeasement Jet Engine Yalta Conference Eliza Armstrong case
UK General Strike of 1926 Nuclear Fission Battle of Gallipoli Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Iron Curtain


The Churchill Archives Centre is open to the public, though appointments must be arranged in advance to guarantee a place in the Reading Room.

The aim of the Archives Centre is to open up as much material for research as possible, but there may be closures on conservation, personal, or official grounds. For material which is open, they boast an average delivery time of five minutes following the placing of a request for a file.


A core policy of the Archives Centre is to preserve archival material as far as possible for the use of present and future generations. This policy impacts almost every activity within the Archives Centre and is challenging, given that some collections are used very heavily and others contain badly damaged items.

Although most of the archive material is in the form of loose papers, it also includes large photograph albums, posters and plans, cine film, and artifacts such as one of Lady Thatcher’s handbags.

Only a small proportion of the papers are significantly damaged, but these require attention to make them usable. Often, they will need intervention to render them more chemically stable for long-term preservation. Sometimes the damage is extremely disfiguring and dramatic.

Conservation staff at the Archives Centre undertake the following treatments to conserve damaged archive material:

Key to preserving the archives at the CAC is the specially equipped storage facility or strong room, which features a sophisticated fire detection system that suppresses fire using a mixture of inert inergen gases. The strong room, which is monitored against insect pests, provides a stable, cool, and relatively dry strong environment with clean filtered air.

The archives themselves are stored in protective packages made from high-quality, acid-free (alkaline buffered) paper and card and sometimes inert polyester film. This not only protects archival materials physically, but also provides a safe, non-acidic environment. Sturdy boxes are used to further shield files from light, dust, and disaster.

To maintain the physical integrity of the archives, all staff and visitors or readers are instructed regarding appropriate handling procedures while exhibition of original material is strictly controlled.


Churchill College began to collect papers in 1965, with the papers of Clement Attlee being the first collection. The Archives Centre was purpose-built in 1973 to house the papers of Sir Winston Churchill. His papers dealing with his life after 1945 were given to the college by his wife but the papers dealing with his life pre-1945 remained in family ownership (though housed in the Archives Centre) until 1995 when they were bought for the nation. The grant to purchase the papers also included funding for a dedicated team of archivists to catalogue the papers. This task took a team of five archivists five years to complete: the catalogue to the Churchill papers was finished at the end of 2000 and was made available online 12 months later.

Meanwhile the Centre had continued to collect personal papers from other figures from the fields of politics, the military, diplomacy, technology and science. By the end of the twentieth century, the Archives Centre was running out of space in which to store these archives. In 1997, Margaret Thatcher gave her papers to the Archives Centre. Funding was raised to build a new wing of the centre to house the Thatcher papers and to ensure that the Centre could continue to add to its collections in the 21st century.

The Archives Centre has collaborated with organisations around the world on projects and exhibitions about Winston Churchill. One highlight has been a joint exhibition with the Library of Congress. Another milestone for the Archives Centre was reached in 2006 when catalogues to all the collections (excluding Churchill and Thatcher) were made available online via the Cambridge-based JANUS webserver.

For a detailed history of the Churchill Archives Centre, please consult the official website.

See also


External links